
Blog #10

      I think data collection surveys are a very useful tool in the classroom. I see myself using them in situations where the class wants to decide on doing one assignment or the other. I also see myself using it to get feedback on my teaching. I think these tools could be used from anywhere in 5th grade and up based on the capabilities of the students.     I like the differences between each student in their blogs. Some speak more formally while some are laid back. Some are super long and descriptive while others are short and to the point. I also like when I can see the personality through the writing.      I'm not sure of what skills id like to learn next. I've learned so much that I wouldn't have even though would be important. I honestly forget how much work teachers put in for their students when creating tools to help us succeed. I think id like to learn how to manage emails efficiently, I know email management is a huge part of being...

Blog #9

       Distance learning was very hard for me at first, I even failed a class. I do like having the time to do the work at my own pace but I seem to always procrastinate. It also isn't very motivating to just log in to zoom. Overall, I'm not a fan of distance learning because I feel like I'm not reaching my true potential.     OER's are open education resources. They are resources like worksheets, textbooks, audio and visual libraries, etc and they are open to the public for free. I found a blog that updates people about changes in OER law. It has updates dating back to 2009.     I learned a lot more from the second one rather than the first. But from the first, I learned how to record and produce a PowerPoint movie. The second assignment taught me how to add action buttons and take away linear navigation. I also learned how to hyperlink in PowerPoint. 

blog #8

 1. I actually really enjoyed the web design assignment. I was able to learn how to add an interactive calendar and how to create a cohesive layout. I had trouble with fitting things in the way I liked but overall the assignment taught me a lot. I think it taught me how to make a website so in the future when I am a teacher I will be able to make a useful and easy-going website. 2. I am really not a big fan of Diigo. The website is good in concept however the layout is confusing. The page we use looks cluttered to me and sometimes just flat out confuses me. It was easy to use but just not worth the hassle for me. I probably won't be using this website in the future.  3. I had the pleasure of shadowing a classroom this past semester and no doubt technology is a driving force in classrooms. This teacher was using plenty of online software that gave her access to different ways of teaching. I think it is very important teachers stay up to date on ...

Blog #7

       I visited the website of Ms. Smith, a 4th grade ELA teacher. Her website was a good example of a great website. She included links and pages for students to easily find info on homework and lesson plans. She also had a page for parents to find all that info and more. She even linked the schools website as well.      I would use a class website to keep students and parents updated and always know the plans for class. I think fun tools like kahoot and quizlet live are fun additions for class to keep students having fun. Remind seems like a great tool as well because I know I always forget about assignments. I also might use websites for educational purposes in class.     At first I had trouble navigating the pages but once I got the hang of it I found it quite easy to use. I liked how you could link separate wiki pages to the main one. I like the concept of the website but everything looked the same so I always felt lost. I liked the sub...

Blog #5

       I have not used the class Twitter that often. Despite this have interacted with a fellow student of this class on Twitter. I also used the education Twitter pages to find a current event for my other education course.  I have seen helpful tools and important information posted on the forum and so I think I can utilize this in my future career.      The digital divide is becoming a larger issue in school as time progresses. More and more schools are integrating technology into their curriculum and for a lot of students, this is harming them. This is because as more technology is integrated the children who don't have access to the things they need to succeed are pushed further back by the system, especially in the pandemic. This will affect my teaching strategies because I have to look out for the best interest of my students and if that means working around the digital divide that's what ill do.      Kahoot is one software th...

Blog #4

       I chose grade level 1 and the standard I chose to write about basically stated that teachers should be able to understand how to use online texts and use this online text to find answers. Some of the examples included online scavenger hunts and online textbooks, and I do believe I'm ready to implement this. I have been using technology since probably before I was even out of elementary school so I feel that I am very experienced. I have had to curate online scavenger hunts and execute them and I've also used online texts before so I feel that with this knowledge I have I would be able to implement this standard.     I once again chose grade level 1 and the tool I picked is called the addition switcheroo. This tool is an online game that helps students learn the rules of addition by showing them they can switch around certain numbers and get the same answer. I think this is a super useful tool in first grade because addition is one of the major skills...

Blog #3

      Copyright is the exclusive right for an owner of material to reproduce and/or allow others to do so as well. Fair use is kinda like copyright except you are modifying the content in some way to make it original. Within the classroom setting, it can be hard to always have to make new lessons and so many draw on the ideas of others. To make sure that I am maintaining copyright and fair use laws I would make sure that all the content and materials I use are being shared publically and that if it isn't I am modifying that content in a way to make it original.     Academic dishonesty is becoming a huge problem, especially during the pandemic when everything is online. Teachers have tried finding ways around this with tools such as honor lock but I feel a simple solution to this would be helping students not only learn the material but grasp the concepts in a way that they don't feel like they have to cheat. Another large problem with technological implementatio...