Blog #3
Copyright is the exclusive right for an owner of material to reproduce and/or allow others to do so as well. Fair use is kinda like copyright except you are modifying the content in some way to make it original. Within the classroom setting, it can be hard to always have to make new lessons and so many draw on the ideas of others. To make sure that I am maintaining copyright and fair use laws I would make sure that all the content and materials I use are being shared publically and that if it isn't I am modifying that content in a way to make it original. Academic dishonesty is becoming a huge problem, especially during the pandemic when everything is online. Teachers have tried finding ways around this with tools such as honor lock but I feel a simple solution to this would be helping students not only learn the material but grasp the concepts in a way that they don't feel like they have to cheat. Another large problem with technological implementatio...